Programs & Services

This section of the website provides information on all of the programs and services the Southern Iowa Council of Governments (SICOG) provides.


The different types of planning services that SICOG performs are described in this section.

Grant Writing/Administration

A description of the grant writing and grant administration services provided by SICOG can be found on this website page.

Membership Services

A general description and listing of all of the services provided to SICOG members are shown here. Many services are provided at no-cost to SICOG members. SICOG also provides services, to members and non-members alike, for cost based on an hourly fee.

Community Development

This section represents one of three main focuses of the Southern Iowa Council of Governments. Community development is an all encompassing topic whose main goal is to improve and enhance a specific community. SICOG offers many community development services, which are described here. Included in this description are grants specific to community development and the Community Investment Revolving Fund (CIRF) that is administered by SICOG.

Economic Development

This section represents one of the three main focuses of the Southern Iowa Council of Governments. Economic development is a topic whose main goal is to improve and expand a specific community’s economy. SICOG offers many economic development services, which are described here. Included with this description are grants specific to economic development and the Southern Iowa Development Group, Inc’s Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) that is administered by SICOG. 


This section represents one of the three main focuses of the Southern Iowa Council of Governments. Housing is a topic whose main goal is to improve housing availability, variety, and affordability in a community. SICOG offers many housing services, which are described here. Included with this description are grants specific to housing that are administered by SICOG, and the Southern Iowa COG Housing Trust Fund.

Title VI Statement

SICOG is committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from participation, denied benefits, or otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity, on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.